Reiki is a naturopathic Eastern energy medicine technique that comes to us from Japan. The word reiki comes from the Japanese words "rei" and "ki" and it translates to "spirit" or "life force" (rei) and "energy" (ki).
Reiki energy is sentient, living energy. Humans have been using this force for healing for aeons. It has been known by many names. It is akin to the laying of hands and it's the method used by the great healers of the ages. It is the energy developed and wielded in martial arts. It is the Chi of Tai Chi and the Qi of Qi Gong. Reiki even shows up in modern media such as The Karate Kid when Mr. Miyagi uses Reiki to heal Daniel's leg. It is Ki in Dragonball Z and The Force in Star Wars.
We all know of the concept but few realize that everyone has access to this energy at all times. It is the force that is inside all of us. Some are taught of a spirit that lives inside the heart of every human and some are taught that a divine spark gives life to every atom. That spirit spark is what we call Reiki. You may know it by a different name. It is the spirit force that connects every living thing to the divine.
The Reiki system that I practice is the Usui Shiki Ryoho, or more simply, the Usui Reiki System. Dr. Mikao Usui is the one that crafted this Reiki system after having an experience in which Reiki came to him and allowed him to heal multiple people while on a spiritual quest. The Reiki system is meant to be a means to attain happiness. It is thought that happiness brings the ability to heal and be healed. There were many other energy healers at the time but Dr. Usui popularized his system after healing many following an earthquake.
"On 1st September 1923, a devastating earthquake hit the Kanto area and destroyed several cities including Tokio. Usui and his students offered all the help they could and soon the word spread and Reiki came to the attention of many. It is said that due to the vast amount of people suffering, Usui treated at least five people simultaneously at any time. The desperate need for more practitioners and teachers prompted Usui to initiate as many into Reiki as he could."
Reiki practitioners practice this system so that we have a strong connection to Spirit and can heal ourselves and others more effectively. There are other Reiki systems and methods. We don't all use the same terms and symbols and practices but we all do call upon Life Force for healing and maintain that divine connection through thoughtful living, mindfulness, and constant awareness of our relationship with Source Energy.
Usually, Reiki energy is channeled through the hands but it can also be directed through thought and intention, much like a prayer or during a meditation. Reiki is thought to work by clearing harmful energy densities and blocks in the form of illness, disease, and injury by harmonizing the flow of energy and raising the vibration of the affected area or chakra to a healthy happy hum. Reiki can work within the heart, mind, and soul of a person to clear the emotional cause of a physical symptom. Reiki, present in all of space and time, can work to heal ancestral wounds and traumas, healing our whole self, bringing us closer to our higher self.
Reiki therapy promotes relaxation, peace of mind, and wholeness of being. Reiki is the perfect complimentary therapy to your holistic healing program. Reiki, as a healing system, is taught to nurses, doctors, therapists, and practitioners in the fields of medicine, psychology, therapy, and wellness. Most healers such as chiropractors and massage therapists also beam Reiki through their hands while working on you even though they may not tell you about it.
Working with Spirit Energy is an intuitive discipline and there are no wrong answers. Reiki only works for the highest good and can never be used for less.
Some people will say that there is no evidence to support the healing claims of Reiki but that's not true. There is much support and evidence in medical and scientific studies conducted in the top health institutes and medical centers around the world like this one from Harvard:
"The results from this large-scale multisite effectiveness trial suggest that a single session of Reiki improves multiple variables related to physical and psychological health... Reiki is a safe and gentle “complementary” therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to heal body and mind. It has potential for broader use in management of chronic health conditions, and possibly in postoperative recovery. Research is needed to optimize the delivery of Reiki."
Many universities now teach Reiki for credit and medical professionals receive continuing education credit for maintaining their licenses when they choose a Reiki course that is registered with their state or national board of certification. That being said, however, Reiki practitioners still need to issue disclaimers* for legal reasons but be assured that there is a lot of support for the effectiveness of natural Reiki medicine.
Please note that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose medical disease or illness and Reiki therapy is not intended to replace a doctor or medical treatment. There is no guarantee that Reiki will heal you or cure any disease or ailment. Reiki works for the highest purpose and that isn't always a cure or complete healing.
Reiki can help a person cope with their ailment or emotional situation and can help support mental well being while navigating difficult life events and relationships. Reiki treatments can help heal a broken heart and bring closure and peace after the loss of a loved one. Many people come for Reiki sessions because they are experiencing grief or maybe they are a caregiver, which can be emotionally taxing. Reiki can even help you with your career or creative projects.
Some clients report total healing or a faster healing than expected while others do not. Most people do report a decrease or elimination of pain and symptoms but it's not 100%. However, 100% of the people I have given Reiki to have reported positive effects and feelings of relaxation and peace even if not cured of their ailment.
Reiki is the natural life force energy that permeates all of space and time in every dimension. Whether you call it Qi, Chi, Ki, Prana, or Holy Spirit - reiki is pure creative life force and it is accessible anywhere and anywhen - quantumly!
The same force that created and grew you is the force that heals you.
Tanya Guerra is a certified Reiki Master Practitioner in San Antonio, Texas.
* Please note that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose medical disease or illness and Reiki therapy is not intended to replace a doctor or medical treatment. Reiki is a natural Japanese energy medicine practice and integrative healing modality that is complimentary to medical treatment plans as well as other naturopathic and holistic therapies. Please use the Contact link to ask any questions you might have about your Reiki session, anytime.